Do we have bad breath? How do we know? Short of asking your friend or partner, there isn’t any surefire way of determining the answer.
Some eating habits such as garlic, scallions and raw onions are the most common breath problems. In fact, Garlic can linger for two additional days. Alcohol, coffee and smoking have their own characteristic odor.
In most cases, the problem begins in the mouth. The mouth is a moist human cavity where bits of food can be caught between teeth and cause bad breath with the release of odorous amino acids. And, those same bacteria can mean the beginning of infections, and periodontal disease.
Here are the helpful hints to avoid this social embarrassment. Be sure to brush and floss regularly and well, rinse your mouth after eating, and rinse and gargle after brushing. And, you can improve your diet by eating more high-fiber foods.
Most, but not least….see your dentist on a regular basis.
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